The Influence of Chosen Socio-Demographic and Economic Factors on Preferences and Behaviour of Students on the Dairy Products Market


The aim of the study was to determine the influence of characteristics such as sex, place of origin and fi nancial situation on the preferences and behaviour of students on the dairy products market. The analysis was based on primary data from a survey, conducted among 200 students of the University of Life Sciences in Poznan. It was found that all the characteristics differentiate the behaviour of the students, but the greatest effect was observed in the case of sex. Women consume dairy products more often, and when it comes to consumption of milk they choose low-fat products. For women the most important are special offers and nutrient contents, while male students choose dairy products often guided by their price. The place of origin mainly affected the frequency of milk consumption: the respondents, who come from villages and smaller towns declared the most frequent consumption. The financial situation mainly infl uenced the consumption of dairy products: richer students consume more dairy products. When purchasing they pay attention mainly to the taste and brand of the products.


Demographic factors; Consumer preferences; Consumer behaviour; Students; Milk Market; Dairy market

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Published : 2015-12-31

Jąder, K. (2015). The Influence of Chosen Socio-Demographic and Economic Factors on Preferences and Behaviour of Students on the Dairy Products Market. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 38(4), 675-684.

Karolina Jąder
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu  Poland

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