The Consumption Structure of Food Articles in Impoverished Households - the Example of the Wielkopolskie Province


The aim of the article was to present the food consumption in years 1999-2003. There was discussed the diversification of incomes and expenditures in particular quintile and social-economics groups as well as their influence on consumption size. It was mentioned that the incomes are less diverse in each group than in whole rural population. It was noticed that in groups of the lowest income the consumption size is not sufficient and often does not let satisfy all basic needs. It was affirmed that in the first quintile, the price for one good is usually lower than in the fifth quintile, which proves that goods purchased by poor people are generally of worse quality. Quantitative and qualitative consumption improvement may be caused by income increase of rural areas population.


Food consumption; Households; Structure of food consumption

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Published : 2007-12-31

Kalinowski, S., & Łuczka-Bakuła, W. (2007). The Consumption Structure of Food Articles in Impoverished Households - the Example of the Wielkopolskie Province. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 6(385), 51-66. Retrieved from

Sławomir Kalinowski
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu  Poland
Władysława Łuczka-Bakuła 
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu  Poland

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