Kinds and Meaning of Preferential Credits for Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas


The theme of the paper was of preferential credits granted in two periods, that means after Poland's accession to the European Union (2004-2006) and in the period after introduction of new legal regulations (2007-2010). The institution responsible for realisation of preferential credits was Agency of Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture which delegated its rights to banks. The credit policy in first period of our functioning in the European Union relied on gradual ending old legal regulations, not compliant with EU standards and undertaking activities in adaptation of Polish agriculture to standards obeyed in EU-15 Member States. Directions of preferential credits granting were changed in 2007. There were introduced 7 credit lines which aim was improvement of production efficiency, better use of production base in agricultural farms and acceleration of agrarian changes. The biggest beneficiaries of structural pensions were young farmers and farmers who wanted to increase the size of their farms.


Preferential loan; Credit; Agricultural lending; Agriculture

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Published : 2013-12-31

Mickiewicz, A., & Mickiewicz, B. (2013). Kinds and Meaning of Preferential Credits for Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 28(2), 181-193. Retrieved from

Antoni Mickiewicz
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie  Poland
Bartosz Mickiewicz 
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie  Poland

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