Comparative Analysis of Support Instruments of CAP in Frames of Long-Term Financial Perspective 2014-2020 in the Relationship to CAP 2007-2014
In the paper attention is put to comparison of financial support between 2007-2013 and 2014-2020. The analysis was made between two pillars of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and among Member States. The research shows that in I pillar, concerning mainly direct payments, there was noticed an increase of sources for new Member States (NUE-13) in comparison to EU-15. Analysing the amount of support in II pillar of CAP, concerning development of rural areas, reverse occurrence was noticed. In 2007- -2013 payments in I pillar were 286.5 bln euro and in the next financial perspective they increased to 294.4 bln euro (2.7%). On the other hand the budget of II pillar of CAP was increased from 88.3 bln euro to 95.3 bln euro (7.9%).
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); Payments for agricultural; Rural development; Rural areas; EU funds union
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