The Characteristic of Polish Agricultural Trade with the European Union (EU-15)


The aim of the paper is to characterise Polish agricultural trade with the EU-15. Polish-EU agricultural trade balance was negative in 1994-2002 and the positive one in the amount of 200 M. EUR appeared in 2003. Fruit and vegetables, meat and its preparations are the main product groups in Polish-EU agri-food export and import. Among the EU countries, Germany is the main Poland?s agricultural trade partner.


Foreign trade; Agri-food industry; Agricultural products

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Published : 2004-12-31

Pawlak, K. (2004). The Characteristic of Polish Agricultural Trade with the European Union (EU-15). Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 3(359), 119-135. Retrieved from

Karolina Pawlak 
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu  Poland

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