Polish Foreign Trade in Dairy products in the Aspect of the European integration


This paper analyses Polish foreign trade in dairy products in the aspect of the European integration. At present, the EU countries are the main recipients of Polish dairy products. Poland?s accession to the EU caused a significant growth of Polish dairy trade. The biggest (fourfold) growth in export value applied to butter, while cheese import value doubled. The clear convergence of Polish dairy products prices was noticed after Poland?s accession to the EU. 


Dairy; Milk production; Foreign trade; Poland's economic integration with the EU

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Published : 2005-12-31

Pawlak, K. (2005). Polish Foreign Trade in Dairy products in the Aspect of the European integration. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 4(359), 67-77. Retrieved from http://www1.up.poznan.pl/jard/index.php/jard/article/view/1002

Karolina Pawlak 
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu  Poland

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