Financial Situation in the Agricultural Holdings of the EU Countries According to the Potential for Production
The aim of this article is to describe the financial situation in the agricultural holdings of the EU countries in 2005 according to the typological groups of the holdings formed on the basis of their potential for production. The multi-dimensional statistical analysis of the potential for production of the agricultural holdings included into FADN was conducted in the paper. Cluster analysis was used. As a result of grouping six homogeneous clusters of holdings in the EU countries were received. For these typological groups of holdings financial analysis was conducted. A significant diversification of the potential for production and financial results in the agricultural holdings of the EU countries was affirmed. The research showed also, that not only the level of resources of production factors, but also the relations between them affect the financial situation. Holdings from no typological group achieve profitable financial results in all areas of analysis at the same time. Countries, which joined the EU in 2004 have the similar potential for production and financial results. These results are other than those in the EU-15 countries.
Arable farm; Agricultural production; Finance; Typology
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