Marketing and Processing Share in Food Prices (Long Term Comparative Analysis)


This paper analyzes the final agricultural output value, the foodstuffs consumption value, and the price relations of primary agricultural products and food in Poland and Germany in 1960-2001. The share of the final agricultural output value in the foodstuffs consumption value has decreased in both countries. Although it is lower in Germany, the rate of its decrease is greater in Poland. In Poland and Germany the differences in prices between primary agricultural products and food have been increasing. At the same time the margin of profit for processing and trade has been growing in both countries.


Food; Food prices; Processing industry; Agricultural production; Comparative analysis

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Published : 2004-12-31

Poczta, W., & Kiryluk, E. (2004). Marketing and Processing Share in Food Prices (Long Term Comparative Analysis). Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 3(359), 137-143. Retrieved from

Walenty Poczta 
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu  Poland
Ewa Kiryluk 
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu  Poland

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