Macroregional Differantiation of Farmers' Interest in Polish Rural Development Program Measures in Poland


The objective of the paper was to research farmers' interest in the measures of Polish Rural Development Program 2004-2006 considering its macroregional differentiation. The results show significant regional differentiation in the number of application for PROW measures in four analysed macroregion of Poland. The highest percentage of holding applied for PROW measures in areas already better developed. In particular it concerned the innovative and prospective pro-grams which required more commitment from farmers. The macroregion where the farmers' interest in structural programs was the lowest was the South-Eastern area of Poland, which among all analysed macroregions is characterised by the worst agricultural potential.


Rurual development; Rural Development Programme; Agricultural finance

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Published : 2007-12-31

Kiryluk-Dryjska, E. (2007). Macroregional Differantiation of Farmers’ Interest in Polish Rural Development Program Measures in Poland. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 6(385), 67-75. Retrieved from

Ewa Kiryluk-Dryjska
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu  Poland

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