RDP 2004-2006 Funds' Absorption by the Farms of Diversified Economic Conditions


The objective of the article was to analyse the interaction between economic potential of farms and farmers' activity on Rural Development Program. The choice of RDP measures among farmers was analysed on the basis of the synthetic coefficient of economic potential of their farms. In order to gather information from farmers questionnaires were held in two administrative units (powiat) characterised by different agricultural structures. 


Rural Development Programme; Arable farm, Farming potential; Synthetic meter; Agriculture

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Published : 2009-12-31

Ziemińska, A., & Kiryluk-Dryjska, E. (2009). RDP 2004-2006 Funds’ Absorption by the Farms of Diversified Economic Conditions. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 14(4), 149-156. Retrieved from http://www1.up.poznan.pl/jard/index.php/jard/article/view/1039

Anna Ziemińska  zieminska@up.poznan.pl
Ewa Kiryluk-Dryjska 

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