Development of Organic Farming in Poland


The main aim of the article is to characterize development of organic farming in Poland in 2004-2014. The research refers to aspects such as the number and structure of organic producers, the structure of ecological land and organization, and the productivity and profi tability of organic farmsin comparison to conventional farms. The research shows that since the accession of Poland into the EU, the domestic organic farming sector has developed dynamically. The number of organic producers increased sevenfold in 2004-2014 and the observed changes were caused by an increase in both the number of ecological farms and organic food processing enterprises. Organic and conventional farms clearly diff er in terms of organization, productivity and profi tability. Conventional farms experienced higher rates of productivity, land profi tability, and work profi tability. Furthermore, the financial situation of organic farms was vastly determined by state subsidies, which constituted almost 80% of income accrued from agricultural production.


Ecological agriculture; Organisation of production; Agriculture productivity

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Published : 2016-12-31

Gołaś, Z. (2016). Development of Organic Farming in Poland. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 42(4), 533-543.

Zbigniew Gołaś
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu  Poland

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