The Economic Strength of Polish Individual Farms in the European Union in the Year 2004


The aim of this research was a presentation of the economic strength of average individual farms from EU-24 countries. The special emphasis was put on similarity of the output structure. An analysis was based on FADN data for the year 2004. Basic method of research was a descriptive and comparative analysis, as well as chosen methods of descriptive statistics - among them, so called standardization of straight characteristics. Beyond this, the hierarchical agglomeration classification was implemented. On the basis of hierarchical agglomeration classification prepared according to ESU and to structure of output, 5 classes of average individual farms from EU-24 countries were obtained. The comparison of results of Polish average farm with results obtained by the EU average farms revealed that the value of the majority of economic variables observed in Polish average farm was c.a. three times lower than the EU average. In the ranking - prepared according to the criteria of ESU - Polish average individual farm took 20th place among 24 average individual farms from the EU. The characteristic feature of the agricultural output of Polish average individual farm was the equal share of crops production, as well as livestock production in the total average farm's output. In the structure of crops production of a Polish average individual farm, the cereals, vegetables and flowers were dominant. The livestock production consisted mainly of pig meat, poultry meat and milk and milk products. 


Individual arable farms; Agricultural production; Economic analysis of production; Agricultural economics; Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN); European Size Unit

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Published : 2008-12-31

Ryś-Jurek, R. (2008). The Economic Strength of Polish Individual Farms in the European Union in the Year 2004. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 10(4), 95-108. Retrieved from

Roma Ryś-Jurek
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu  Poland

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