Income Aggregates in Private Farms in Poland in the Years 1990-2008
The article attempts to describe the most important macro-economic dependence between agricultural income and factors of growth in the years 1990-2008. In the study a descriptive and comparative analysis, as well as the basic methods of descriptive statistics and econometric modelling have been used. Conclusions and calculations have been performed on the GUS's data for years 1991-2010. The analysis shows that in Poland between 1990 and 2008 the income aggregates in private farms had undergone major changes. The disposable income during the analysed years in nominal terms had increased from 2995.1 million to 40 604.0 million PLN. Furthermore, the analysis shows that the disposable income of agricultural households depends on the number of individual farms, as well as commercial agricultural production realised.
Farm household income; Agricultural production; Comparative analysis; Individual arable farms
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Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu Poland
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