Expectations of Podkarpacie Residents with Regard to Offers of Organic Food Products of Regional Origin
The aim of the study was to present the conditions for development of food production and distribution of organic products in Podkarpackie voivodeship and to present the opinions of consumers representing various local communities from this part of the country about purchased eco-food. To achieve this objective, a survey was conducted using direct interview method. The study involved a total of 700 residents of Podkarpackie gathered through a purposive sample. The market of organic food products is a future-oriented segment of the food market. Consumers from Podkarpackie voivodeship are of the opinion that increasing the supply of eco-products on the market in this part of the country should apply especially to dairy products, fruits and vegetables, honey, herbs, meat, and bread. The development of the organic food market will be stimulated by, among other things, the increase in demand that results from raising the level of consumer awareness of quality of organic food and its impact on health.
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Uniwersytet Rzeszowski Poland
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski Poland
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