The main aim of this article is to identify the dynamics of the processes of reproduction of assets (fixed assets excluding land) and the importance of determinants influencing this processes in agricultural holdings in Poland engaged in agricultural accountancy of the FADN. Recognized in the study is the domination of the processes of narrow reproduction of fixed assets in the examined group of farms. In terms of economic recovery, there has been an improvement in the range of the reproduction of assets during the downturn of the dominance of narrow reproduction. The impact of resource factors on the processes of reproduction are more clear in the case of exclusion from surveys farms in which the processes of reproduction do not indicate opportunities for their further development (reproduction indicator below 0.5). It may mean that in the other units, use of resources better served the agricultural purposes of and they were effectively used.
business outlook; agricultural holding; reproduction of fixed assets
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Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu Poland
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