Selected Factors Shaping the Reproduction Processes of Farms Assets Conducting Agricultural Accountancy (FADN)
The main aim of this article is to identify the selected factors shaping the reproduction processes of farms conducting agricultural accountancy (FADN). It has been recognized that the higher indicator of reproduction, in the analysed groups, is accompanied by greater resources of land, labour and capital. The reproduction processes are dependent on the business outlook conditions, but resource factors are relatively independent of them. There is a diverse range of processes of reproduction between the various components of assets. The relatively high level of reproduction of assets in the case of machinery and transportation equipment, and for building substance remains at a very low level. Education of head of households has also diversifi ed the scale of reproduction processes. The favourable factor in this area was a higher level of education, and its agricultural profile.
Arable farm; Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN); Investment
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Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu Poland
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