The Evaluation of the Trends of Polish Farms Incomes in the FADN Regions after the Integration with the EU


The main aim of this article was to identify trends regarding income changes in the period of 2004-2008 in Poland between the regions of FADN. In 2004-2008 we noticed the processes of convergence in range of income situation of farms among the FADN regions. It was noticed that the convergence of beta type and the sigma were in place. This situation appears for general group of farms, as well as in farms with mixed production. Although, exclusion of the subsidies would initiate the divergence processes. This means that direct payments make up a kind of catalytic situation in range of levelling incomes situation in farms among these regions. We could initially signal that instruments of the CAP favour getting differences of incomes smaller in spatial range, what would indicate some kind of strategy in the aims of the EU policy with reference to sustainable growth in spatial range.


Farm household income; Convergence; Agriculture

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Published : 2011-12-31

Brelik, A., & Grzelak, A. (2011). The Evaluation of the Trends of Polish Farms Incomes in the FADN Regions after the Integration with the EU. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 20(2), 5-11. Retrieved from

Agnieszka Brelik
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie  Poland
Aleksander Grzelak 
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu  Poland

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