Guidelines for participants
You are invited to present papers on the following topics: statistical methods and their applications in life science, biometrics and computer science. The conference will include oral and poster sessions.
Abstracts of papers (1 page in English) that will be presented at the Conference should be sent to the organizers by July 15, 2017 by email: The required template with instructions is available: Download
The work presented at the Conference after positive review may be published in the journal:
I. Biometrical Letters
Full length manuscripts (according to the required format here) should be submitted to the following address: e-mail: biometrical.letters@up.poznan.plII. Colloquium Biometricum
Full length manuscripts (according to the required format here, PDF) should be submitted to the following address: e-mail:
Each oral presentation is limited to 20 minutes, including time for discussion. English is the preferred language for the presentations. Computer and audio equipment is available. It is advisable to prepare a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint or in pdf format.
Posters should be in English or Polish. The poster size should be approximately 60 cm wide and 80 cm high. The poster should consist of title, authors’ names and affiliation, objectives, methods, results, conclusions, discussion and references.