The aim of the study was to investigate the respondents' opinion about the quality of hotel services as a factor conditioning the trust of customers occupying accommodation facilities in the province of Silesia. The study was conducted in late May and June 2013 among 100 respondents. In order to establish a statistically significant correlation between the answers and the factors differentiating Chi2 test was used using Statistica software v.10.0. The strength of the correlation between responses and factors differentiating the study group established by the designation factor V Cramer. The analysis found that the preferences and behavior of guests occupying accommodations in Silesia are not dependent on gender, age, education or place of (permanent/ temporary) residence of respondents. Hotel guests occupying accommodations in Silesia are characterized by high awareness on the categorization of hotels, which is based on frequent use of hotel services for tourism, mainly accommodation of individual or group trips. The main determinants of the choice of accommodation facilities in Silesia by hotel guests proved to be the location of the property but also the price and the comfort of its rooms and the quality of services offered, including the quality of the work of the staff and the quality of additional services.
hotel services; quality of service; customer trust
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