An Attempt to Assess Cohesion of Development of the Communes of the Pilski District


The article aims at evaluating the level of development of the communes ofthe Pilski district both in rural areas, as well as in the urban district of Piła. The method of standardized sums was used based on standardized data gathered from GUS within range 0-1,the results were compared to the average level for the Wielkopolska rural areas and urban respectively. The data was analysed in three dimensions - social, economical and environmental. It was noticed that the level of environmental component is the most cohesive in rural areas and in Piła it is the social one, whereas in all communes the level of economical component cohesion was the lowest.


Development; District; Economic development; Social development

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Published : 2012-12-31

Stroińska-Ziemann, J., & Czyżewski, A. (2012). An Attempt to Assess Cohesion of Development of the Communes of the Pilski District. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 25(3), 261-275. Retrieved from

Joanna Stroińska-Ziemann
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu  Poland
Andrzej Czyżewski 
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu  Poland

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