Adaptation of the Opole Voivodeship Agricultural Holdings to New Managing Conditions


A new outlook at the position, role and function of agriculture in the economy is connected with an attempt to answer the question how its development potential can be used as factors of economical growth. At the microeconomic level, not only the estimation of effectiveness of used production factors is important but also the identification of incentives which influence decisions, concerning the ways of economic activity of holdings, made by their managers. The second issue is important due to the fact that the institutions close to the reformed CAP direct agriculture onto the path of a balanced development, which requires the new types of its multifunctionality to take shape. The following work suggests the mechanism of this process as "the autonomic aims of the agricultural holdings" which are a mean of implementation of universal aims. The research was based on a survey held in 150 holdings in the Opole voivodeship. The results confirm that the structures, which co-govern agriculture and are shaped by CAP, encourage the holdings to look for market benefits, as well as for institutional benefits which enable their multi-functioning.


Development potential; Arable farm; Sustainable development; Rationality; Resource allocation; Economic rationality

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Published : 2012-12-31

Bisaga, A., & Sokołowska, S. (2012). Adaptation of the Opole Voivodeship Agricultural Holdings to New Managing Conditions. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 25(3), 25-33. Retrieved from

Anna Bisaga 
Uniwersytet Opolski  Poland
Stanisława Sokołowska
Uniwersytet Opolski  Poland

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