Structural Changes in the Pigmeat Sector in Selected European Union Countries
The aim of this article was to determine the structural changes in the pigmeat sector in the European Union and the analysis covered mainly EU countries with the largest share in the production of this kind of meat. Assessment of the current situation of the industry in terms of supply was made. Moreover, data on the scale of breeding in pig farms in selected countries were indicated, including also the previous years. On this background, the indicators of production and economic efficiency were shown. The information contained in the publication allowed to draw conclusions about the process of restructuring the sector. The main conclusions of publication indicated that the geographic structure of pork supply, as well as the concentration of pigs herd in selected EU countries is changing. The article uses the source materials of the European Commission, the Central Statistical Office, U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Eurostat database.
Pork meat; Meat market; Animal hubandry; Structural changes in agriculture; Structural changes
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Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu Poland

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