The #ICPP by_bike is a group of about 20 scientists who strongly believe in the need to promote cycling as a means of personal and professional transportation - at all scales. From their homes and research institutes in Avignon, Montpellier and Bordeaux in France, Milan in Italy, Stratford-upon-Avon in the UK and Columbus, Ohio in the USA, they will travel together to the ICPP2023 Congress in Lyon along the ViaRhôna cycling route (, which starts from the legendary Pont Saint-Benoît in Avignon.

The main goals of the #ICPP_by_bike team are to raise awareness of the carbon footprint of our professional and personal activities and to confront challenges from cyclists who may find obstacles to reducing this footprint. These goals are part of growing initiatives to be environmentally and socially responsible in our behavior as citizens and professionals, which include actions ranging from reducing pesticide use in agriculture to promoting social and economic justice. To achieve this goal of cycling over 250 km together in three days in the August heat of the south of France, they spent several months building a close-knit team based on a sense of solidarity. They would like to express this solidarity to the scholars who are eligible for the ISPP Resilience Bursary. Please make a donation to the ISPP Resilience Bursary in recognition of the kilometers they will travel.
To learn more about #ICPP_by_bike, please contact