Axiological Aspects of Sustainable Development with Theoretical and Empirical Approach


The first part of the paper presents the values - goals, which are contained in political programs of sustainable development. These values (e.g. social justice, intergenerational justice, liberty, sustainable consumption and value of nature) should be explained with respect to the assumptions of ethics of beliefs, obligation or responsibility. The second part discusses the results of empirical studies which focused on certain goals-values of sustainable development achieved by residents of rural areas. The third part contains analytical interpretation of three values: positive liberty, social justice and community, which are of key importance to sustainable development. The final fourth part discusses political and ethical dilemmas which must be faced by Polish politicians: should we design and implement sustainable development evenly or, in consideration of the ethical aspect; should we start first from radical improvement in conditions of living among poor people?


Sustainable development; Value as a category of social sciences; Axiology

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Published : 2011-12-31

Kaczocha, W., & Sikora, J. (2011). Axiological Aspects of Sustainable Development with Theoretical and Empirical Approach. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 19(1), 47-62. Retrieved from

Włodzimierz Kaczocha 
Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości w Poznaniu  Poland
Jan Sikora
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu  Poland

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