Competitive Position of Selected Regional Trade Agreements on the Global Agri-Food Market


The study attempts to determine the CACM, MERCOSUR and NAFTA competitive position in the agri-food market taking into account selected indicators related to GDP, productivity and trade. The analysis allowed to state that only for MERCOSUR the competitive position in global food-market improved. In that groupings, compared to NAFTA and CACM, there was a bigger increase in GDP per capita and labour productivity in agriculture. Furthermore, only the share of MERCOSUR agri-food trade in world trade increased which was accompanied by a greater increase of extra-regional agri-food trade than intra-regional ones.


North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); Mercado Comun del Cono Sur (Mercosur)

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Published : 2014-12-31

Sapa, A. (2014). Competitive Position of Selected Regional Trade Agreements on the Global Agri-Food Market. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 31(1), 113-121. Retrieved from

Agnieszka Sapa
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu  Poland

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