The Role of Regional Trade Agreements in Achieving Food Security


The aim of the article was to identify certain relationships between international trade and food security with special emphasis on regional trade agreements. The study was conducted on the basis of domestic and foreign sources of literature. Unresolved problem of food insecurity indicate not only identification of the source of this state , but also ways to improve the food situation in the world. One of the factors that improve directly and indirectly food security level is international trade. Limited capability for performing trade liberalization at the global level means that the way of improving access to food is regionalism. However, taking full advantage of regional trade agreements to solve the problem of food insecurity must be accompanied by elimination or reduction the non-tariff barriers, that still exist.


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Published : 2016-12-31

Sapa, A. (2016). The Role of Regional Trade Agreements in Achieving Food Security. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 40(2), 415-422.

Agnieszka Sapa
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu  Poland

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