


General information  

Scientific Quartely INTERCATHEDRA publishes original scientific articles in Polish and English.


The editors take action to eliminate ghostwriting and guest authorship practices. When detected, all such cases will be disclosed, including the possibility to send due notification to relevant entities (institutions employing authors, scientific societies, scientific editors associations, etc.). The editors also document all forms of violation and infringement of ethics in science.

An act of ghostwriting occurs when a person who makes a significant contribution to the writing of a publication does not reveal their participation as one of the authors or their input is not listed in the acknowledgements in the publication.

An act of guest authorship (honorary authorship) occurs when the author’s or co-author’s contribution to the publication is negligible or has not taken place at all.

In order to avoid such cases the Editors require that each author’s input in the publication should be revealed (including their affiliation and contribution, i.e. providing information about the author(s) of the concept, assumptions, methods, protocol, etc. used for preparation of the publication). It is the corresponding author who takes main responsibility.

If the publication is financed by scientific research institutions, associations or other entities, it is necessary to provide information about the source of financing (financial disclosure).

Editorial requirements concerning articles to be published in Scientific Quartely INTERCATHEDRA 

Basic requirements

Only original scientific articles, which have not been published before, will be accepted for publication.

An article must not be longer than 12 printed A4 pages, including figures and tables. Articles must be prepared in the .doc or .docx format.
Times New Roman 12 pts font and 1.5 interspaces must be used. The text may be distinguished with bold type or italics.

Figures and tables must be numbered in order and placed close to their reference in the text or in separate files, indicating their position. The size of a figure must not exceed the B5 format (12.5 × 19.5 cm). All figures should be prepared in black and white only.


Layout of the article:

  • Title of article
  • Author’s name (first name and surname) (authors)
  • Name of scientific institution (affiliation)
  • Abstract (100-250 words) – structured abstract is applied. It refers to all consecutive sections of the article, i.e. the introduction, research materials and methods used in the article and the most significant research findings and conclusions.
  • JEL codes – link
  • Key words (max. 6)
  • Main text -
  • References (normally not less than 20, the literature sources of the article must iclude as much as possible Web of Science cited journals)
  • Corresponding author - in the following order: university degree, first name, surname, name of scientific institution (department, faculty, university), university address, author's e-mail



When making reference to other authors’ publications, the name and year must be provided in parentheses in chronological order (Kowalski 2005, Nowak 2007) or ... according to Kowalski (2005).

The references must be listed in alphabetical order under the APA standards (

  • Edited book

Bartkowiak, N., Poczta, W. (2012). Czynniki rozwoju obszarów wiejskich w Wielkopolsce (page numbers). Poznań: Wyd. UP


  • Edited book

Domańska-Baer, A., Suchoń, A. (eds). (2014). Ochrona własności intelektualnej. Wybrane zagadnienia prawne (page numbers). Poznań: Wyd. UP,


  • Chapter

Autor, A. (2014). Chapter title. In: A. Domańska-Baer, A. Suchoń (eds), Ochrona własności intelektualnej. Wybrane zagadnienia prawne (page numbers). Poznań: Wyd. UP.


  • Journal article

Suchoń, A. (2014). Perpetual usufruct of agricultural lands – selected legal and financial issues. J. Agribus. Rural Dev., 4(34), page numbers.

  • Internet

If no autor: Biotechnologia (2011). Accessed 20 May 2015, available from:

Autor, A. (2015). Title. Accessed 20 May 2015, available from:

  • Legal reference

Ustawa z dnia 29 maja 2015 r. o zmianie ustawy o lasach oraz niektórych innych ustaw (2011). Dz.U. poz. 671.

Rozporządzenie Rady (WE) nr 1258/99 z dnia 17 maja 1999 r. w sprawie finansowania wspólnej polityki rolnej (1999). Dz. Urz. WE L 160 z 26.6.1999, page numbers.


Note! If Authors wish to provide information about the source of financing of the results of studies published in our quarterly, the Editors print such information.




Sending articles:  

Please, send your articles by e-mail to the following address:


or by post to the following address:


Department of Law and Enterprise Management in Agribusiness
Poznan University of Life Sciences
ul. Wojska Polskiego 28
60-637 Poznań, Poland

with a note on the envelope: “INTERCATHEDRA”
together with the completed and signed author's declaration of originality of the article sent


Deklaracja_autora_PL.doc      (,3)

Declaration_author_ENG.doc   (,3)


Publication fee:  

The fee for publishing a paper in the INTERCATHEDRA journal is 400 PLN + VAT 23% (around 118 EUR or 130 USD)

Attention! Publication fee is not included in the conference fee! All payments must be done in PLN without any charges to the beneficiary should be made on the following bank accounts of Poznan University of Life Sciences by bank transfer (any additional fees associated with the bank transfer and exchange into PLN charged to the payer).


The deadline of submitting the full paper and publication fee is 15.07.2021.

Bank account in PLN:

Poznan University of Life Sciences

Wojska Polskiego 28

60-637 Poznań, Poland

No. of bank account: PL 29 1090 1362 0000 0000 3601 7894 (Code SWIFT: WBKPPLPP)

With necessary note: Name and Surname, Agri-Food Logistics Forum, subkonto:
293.01.509, Intercathedra publication fee