12th General Assembly of The Polish Phytopathological Society and Symposium on Current Problems in Plant Pathology

Welcome to 12th Meeting of The Polish Phytopathological Society and Symposiu

The Polish Phytopathological Society is pleased to announce that the 2005 Meeting and Symposium will take place on September 20-22, 2005 at the Congress Center of the Agricultural University in Lublin.

20th September (morning) - 12th Meeting of The Polish Phytopathological Society 20th September (afternoon) - Symposium, plenary session 21st September - Symposium: lectures in sections, poster section, conference dinner 22nd September - Excursion: Horticultural Farm in Leonow, palace and park in Kozlowka

Registration fee:
Registration fee of 500 PLN (120 EUR) covers costs of excursion, conference dinner, publication in Acta Agrobotanica (one paper per participant) and organizational costs.
It should be paid before 31 March 2005 to:
Polskie Towarzystwo Fitopatologiczne
ul. Wojska Polskiego 71c, 60-625 Poznań, Poland
Bank: Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., III O/Poznań
Account No: 67 1090 1359 0000 0000 3501 8490

Hotel Dom Nauczyciela, ul. Akademicka 4, 20-033 Lublin
Phone: +48 81 5338285
Fax: +48 81 5330366

Price/night (breakfast included):
Single room with washbasin - 90 PLN
Double room without washbasin - 83 PLN
Double room with washbasin & telephone - 106 PLN
Double room with bathroom, TV & telephone - 150 PLN
Mercure-Unia, Aleje Racławickie 12, 20-037 Lublin
Phone: 48 81 5332067
Fax: +48 81 5333021
e-mail: market.mer.unia@orbis.pl

Contact persons:
Ms Aneta Barszczewska-Szczepaniak, Ms Renata Kotowska
Price/night (breakfast included):
Single room (1-2 nights) - 230 PLN
Single room (3 or more nights) - 195 PLN
Double room (1-2 nights) - 280 PLN
Double room (3 or more nights) - 240 PLN

Note: Accommodation in these hotels should be booked by participants personally.

Students dormitories Cebion, Dodek, Eskulap:
Accommodation is booked by the organizers upon receiving the registration/accommodation forms from participants. Single, double and triple rooms are available for 30 PLN per person/night.

Bar club Hades at the Congress Center. Breakfast and supper – 7 PLN, lunch – 20 PLN. Meals have to be booked in advance.

Symposium Proceedings and Publications:
Summaries of lectures and posters will be published in the Congress Proceedings. They should be written in English according to the instructions attached, not exceeding one page. They should be sent by e-mail (preferably) or by post (hard copy and floppy disk or CD). The deadline for sending summaries is 31 March 2005.
Full texts of lectures and posters will be published in Acta Agrobotanica ONLY IF THEY ARE ORIGINAL RESEARCH PAPERS written in English and prepared according to the instructions attached. Additionally, there are instructions for authors in each issue of Acta Agrobotanica. Manuscripts should be sent before 31 March 2005 by post (hard copy and floppy disk or CD) or by e-mail (preferably).
The organizers will do their best to publish manuscripts in August 2005.

Note: Poster or lecture will be accepted if the author (or one of authors) sends the registration form and pays the fee.

Participants who register before the deadline, will receive in May 2005 the next announcement with the detailed program of Symposium.

Send the registration form to:
The Polish Phytopathological Society
Lublin Dvision
Dept. of Phytopathology
Leszczyńskiego 7, 20-069 Lublin, Poland
Fax: +48 81 5333752