The conference participants (20 yrs of The Polish Phytopathological Society) in from of the Działyński Palace in Poznań - the place where The Polish Phytopathological Society was founded in 1971

The conference participants (20 yrs of The Polish Phytopathological Society) in from of the Działyński Palace in Poznań - the place where The Polish Phytopathological Society was founded in 1971

Professor Wanda Truszkowska congratulates Prof. Karol Mańka on conferring him honorary membership of The Polish Phytopathological Society. On the left: Prof. Zofia Fiedorow and Prof. Stefan Kowalski

Professor Zofia Fiedorow is reading the text of honorary member diploma for Prof. Karol Mańka. On the left Prof. Stefan Kowalski

Professor Zbigniew Weber

The audience. From the left: Prof. Prof. Piotrowski's, dr Zbigniew Burgieł, Prof. Jan Kućmierz, dr Łaszcz

Professor Leszek Orlikowski and Janusz Gwiazdowski M.Sc.

The audytorium; with Prof. Barbara Łacicowa and Prof. Jerzy Ważny in the 1st row

The presidium: Prof. Zenon Krzywański, Prof. Wanda Truszkowska and Prof. Stefan Kowalski

Professor Zbigniew Borecki is delivering a lecture on plant pathology teaching

The auditorium

During the session in Zielonka

Professor Halina Borecka and Prof. Zbigniew Borecki with dr Marek Szyndel

The auditorium |