Changes in Nitrogen Fertilizers Market in Poland in 2000-2010


The article describes the evolution of production, consumption and foreign trade of nitrogen fertilizers in Poland in years 2000-2010. The structure of the use of nitrogen fertilizers, foreign trade and balance of the market of urea, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, calcium ammonium nitrate, ammonium phosphate and UAN were analysed. Geographical directions of foreign trade were specified. The results showed that the domestic fertilizer sector is fully self-sufficient in the area of production of various nitrogen fertilizers. The most commonly used nitrogen fertilizers were: ammonium nitrate, urea and calcium ammonium nitrate while the importance of ammonium nitrate was clearly reduced. Ammonium sulphate and UAN produced mainly for export, and ammonium nitrate for the domestic market.


Natural fertilizers; Artifical fertilizer; Market

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Published : 2013-12-31

Zalewski, A. (2013). Changes in Nitrogen Fertilizers Market in Poland in 2000-2010. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 30(4), 257-267. Retrieved from

Arkadiusz Zalewski
Instytut Ekonomiki Rolnictwa i Gospodarki Żywnościowej – PIB  Poland

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