Local Action Groups Twards Assisting the Countryside Entrepreneurship
The study refers to the subject matter and dissimilarities of the countryside entrepreneurship, as well as practical aspects of the stimulation of entrepreneurships on country areas on the examples of Local Action Groups. Formulating the theme of the study is entailing the need of conducting analysis of available literature and source materials, but next taking a stance to two issues. For the beginning issues, subject, meaning, functions and the dissimilarity of the country entrepreneurship should be described, and then the field of activity of Local Action Groups (LAG) should be analysed, as the element determining this entrepreneurship. The aim of the study is to draw up LAG as the dynamising factor of the countryside entrepreneurship development. In the study, an analysis of source materials was applied of both the EU's and domestic institutions, as well as available literature on the subject and information about functioning LAG in Poland.
Local community; Groups in a company; Local enterpreneurship; Rural development; Agricultural enterprises; Local Action Group
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Politechnika Łódzka Poland
Politechnika Łódzka Poland

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