Assessment of the Direct Payment Schemes : SAPS and SPS in the Context of the Discussion on the CAP after 2013


This article analyses the main elements of the proposed system of direct payments to be implemented after 2013, in comparison to current support schemes in the European Union. The analysis covers basic components of each system i.e. the single payment in SPS, the single area payment in SAPS and the basic payment in the new system. More important common features and differences between the systems were also indicated. The comparative analysis carried out in this work allowed for identification of the effects of different payment schemes (especially in terms of access to support, administration system and use of the national ceiling), which was the main goal of this article.


Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); Agriculture; Payment; Payment system

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Published : 2013-12-31

Figurski, T., & Sadłowski, A. (2013). Assessment of the Direct Payment Schemes : SAPS and SPS in the Context of the Discussion on the CAP after 2013. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 27(1), 63-72. Retrieved from

Tomasz Figurski 
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie  Poland
Adrian Sadłowski
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie  Poland

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