
The aim of this article is to identify whether Polish society consciously buys and consumes organic food as well as what motives guide their purchases and consumption.
A diagnostic survey method with an author’s questionnaire was used to examine 3436 respondents from the whole Poland. The Statistica 10.1 PL program was applied to conduct
statistical and discriminant analysis. It was shown that Polish consumers mainly emphasized a great importance of health qualities of organic food. The older respondents were more
interested in the fact that their relatives consumed healthy food. Fresh vegetables and their products as well as eggs were the most common choices of organic food. The main places
of purchase of organic food were discount stores and those specialized in selling organic food as well as organic farms. It was emphasized that respondents paid high importance to the
accreditation of product certification body on food packages as well as the labeling that these products were produced in ecological conditions.

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Published : 2017-12-31

Wojciechowska-Solis, J., & Soroka, A. (2017). ORGANIC FOOD CONSUMPTION AS AN INFORMED LIFESTYLE CHOICE OF POLISH POPULATION BY AGE GROUPS. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 45(3), 705–713.

Julia Wojciechowska-Solis 
Andrzej Soroka 

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