Organic Farming as a Development Factor of Sustainable Consumption


The market of organic products is now one of the fastest growing sectors of food production in the world and especially in the EU countries. The purpose of this article is to present the status of organic farming in Poland and in the EU countries and to show the impact of these products on sustainable consumption. The article uses data from FiBL, IFOAM and IJHARS. For the presentation of the data we used the time series, cluster analysis, and multidimensional clustering of features and objects. In Europe, in 2012, organic products were produced by approx. 320 thousand manufacturers with a total value of 22.8 billion euros, of which 250 thousand in the EU and its value amounted to 20.9 billion euros. In Poland 26 376 organic producers were registered and the value of organic products was valued at 650 thousand PLN. It is crucial for organic farming to invent capital into processing and distribution of organic products. This will provide for continual development and increase the consumer's awareness of the importance of organic food for both their health and the environment.


Ecological agriculture; Sustainable development; Organic food; Consumption

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Published : 2015-12-31

Kowalska, A. (2015). Organic Farming as a Development Factor of Sustainable Consumption. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 37(3), 467-476.

Anna Kowalska
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu  Poland

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