
In Poland, organic farming has been growing steadily though less rapidly than in other EU Member States. As organic farming is based on knowledge and innovation, access to various kinds of information is critical for its development. Having the above in mind, the authors undertook to investigate the system of knowledge transfer in organic farming and to analyze the impact it has on the development of the organic food market. This paper presents a qualitative study on organic farmers, agricultural advisors and researchers with interest in organic farming (conducted in 2017). It focuses on the role of Agricultural Advisory Centers in knowledge transfer in the organic farming sector because agricultural advisory services are central to the entire knowledge transfer system (while not playing a major role). Research results show that both farmers and advisors claim there are many shortcomings in the knowledge transfer system, caused by multiple factors, including the underfunding of agricultural advisory services, absence of advisors specializing solely in organic farming, and inefficient management of advisory institutions. The increasing significance of private centers was also highlighted. The weakness of the advisory services system could be one of the reasons why organic farming in Poland does not develop as rapidly as in other EU countries.


organic farming; knowledge; Agricultural Advisory Center; case study

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Published : 2019-04-05

Śpiewak, R., & Jasiński, J. (2019). KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER IN THE ORGANIC FARMING SYSTEM: THE ROLE OF AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY SERVICE. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 51(1), 77–83.

Ruta Śpiewak
Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences  Poland
Jakub Jasiński 
Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences  Poland

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