
This paper presents the impact of changes in prices of agricultural products on changes in retail prices of agrifood products. The basis for the study was data on changes in prices of milk, wheat, pork and poultry and derived products in Poland in 2007–2016. A relationship was discovered between the variables, on one side, and lags between the examined time series, on the other. The cross-spectral analysis was used to study the periodicity of changes and lags between time series.


Food industry; Agriculture; Retail prices

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Published : 2018-12-31

Mierzejewski, M. (2018). IMPACT OF CHANGES IN AGRICULTURAL COMMODITY PRICES ON CHANGES IN RETAIL PRICES OF AGRI-FOOD PRODUCTS IN POLAND IN 2007–2016. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 49(3), 287-297.

Mateusz Mierzejewski
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie  Poland

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