Ntiokam Divine
Ntiokam Divine is the Founder and Managing Director of Organisation: Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network (CSAYN)
Divine Ntiokam recognizes the critical importance of the youth in building a resilient, sustainable and prosperous agricultural sector in Africa.
This passion drove Divine to start the Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network (CSAYN) in May 2014, of which he is now the Managing Director. Teams in 65 countries work to raise awareness of Climate Smart Agriculture among young men and women, educating them in the benefits of sustainable approaches to increasing agricultural yields and resilience.
Alongside his role in CSAYN, Divine was elected as the African Continental Vice President of Youth in Livestock, Fisheries and Aquaculture Incubation Network in July 2018. By providing business incubation and powerful networks of support, the Network aims to build an Africa in which youth owned enterprises in animal resources contribute to poverty reduction and food security.
In addition, he was equally nominated as one of the Food and Land Use (FOLU) Coalition International Ambassador in 2018.

Michael Bourlakis
Professor Michael Bourlakis is the Director of Research and the Head of the Logistics, Procurement & Supply Chain Management Group at Cranfield School of Management (UK). Michael is an internationally renowned authority in retail logistics and food supply chain management. He has won more than 27 research and consulting projects totaling of more than £27.5 million and he has generated more than 250 publications including more than 65 journal papers.
His work has received considerable attention by media (BBC News, ITV News, The Guardian, Wall Street Journal). He has worked with / consulted most leading retailers in the world as well as numerous multinational organisations (Carrefour, DHL, Knight Frank, Metro, Sonae, Tesco).
He sits on the Editorial Board of more than twelve academic journals and he has co-edited three books.
Title of presentation at the plenary session: The food supply chain in the post Covid-19 era.

Justus Wesseler
Prof. Dr. Justus Wesseler holds the chair in Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy at Wageningen University, The Netherlands. He has a degree in agricultural, environmental and natural resource economics from the University of Göttingen, Germany. His research work is on bioeconomy economics and policies. The major focus is on the contribution of value chains to improve sustainability and the impact of new technologies and regulations on the value chain in this respect. He is member of the International Consortium of Applied Bioeconomy Research (ICABR) and editor of the Palgrave series on bioeconomy economics and policies. He has been involved in a number of small and large scale international research project as team member and/or coordinator. Currently he is the coordinator of the EU funded project Monitoring the Bioeconomy (BioMonitor).
Title of presentation at the plenary session: Economic Impact Assessment of the F2F Strategy.

Noureddin Driouech
Prof. Noureddin Driouech (male) is and Agricultural Engineer specialized in Pants pathology (1991-1995), he got a Master of Science degree in Plant biotechnologies (1997-1999), and holds a PhD in Environmental Sciences, design and management of sustainable Mediterranean cropping systems at Tuscia University- Viterbo, Italy (2004-2008). From 1999 to 2010, Prof. Dr. Driouech worked as Agronomist Consultant, Researcher and International Program officer for the post-graduation Master programs in Organic Agriculture at CIHEAM Bari. He teaches Organic legislations, Basic Organic and Agroecology Research and On-farm Indicators of Sustainable Agriculture. Over last two decades, he performed expertise, know-how and competencies in eLearning instructional design and course curricula development . At present, he is the Coordinator of the CIHEAM Bari Alumni Network (FTN) involving 20.000 stakeholders . His main duties include Networking and Professional Alumni management, dissemination , editing Network publications and conducting follow-up research studies to analyze the CIHEAM Bari Educational/Training and Research Impact Assessment on students’ career progress, employability, mobility and pathways. His scientific interest focuses Innovation in Educational Research in higher agriculture Institutions, Organic Agri-foods sector Auditing, Agroecology and environmental sustainability issues. He has been Involved in several Italian, EU-funded and International Research and Cooperation Projects. For last 15 years he operated in over 15 worldwide countries and Since 2012, he is member of Environmental Leadership Program (ELP) at UC Berkeley-California and s authors of over 75 scientific publications, 1 book and 3 Chapter https://orcid.org/orcid-search/search?searchQuery=Driouech . He speaks Arabic, French, English and Italian.
Title of presentation at the plenary session: Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on food losses and waste in agri-food logistics

Sebastian Jarzębowski
Prof. Sebastian Jarzębowski is the Professor at Department of Economics and Director of Logistics & Procurement Research Center at Kozminski University. President of Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) in Poland and Research Fellow at Supply Chain Risk and Resilience Research (SCR3) Institute, University of Missouri–St. Louis.
He has many years of experience in research and teaching activities in field of information technologies in logistics, business process modeling and supply chain management. The scientific and research activities focuses on the efficiency of companies, supply chain management and logistics. He is an author of several dozen publications including international ones. Multiple foreign research stays at the leading Universities in Australia, Austria, France, Germany and USA, as well as Visiting Professorship at the Fisher College of Business at Ohio State University, USA and at the University of Bonn, Germany. Prof. Jarzebowski is a scholarship holder of the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), the Schaumann Foundation and others. He was coordinator of over 20 domestic and international projects i.e. Horizon 2020, Interreg CE, POWER, POKL, RPO, FP7, NCN, NCBiR in the field of logistics and supply chains, in particular supply chain integration, digital transformation and procurement.
Title of presentation at the plenary session: Digital technologies and transformation of business models: impact on supply chain efficiency.

Maciej Szymczak
Prof. dr hab. Maciej Szymczak, is the Full Professor of Business Administration, Institute of International Business and Economics, Department of Logistics, Poznań University of Economics and Business (PUEB), Poznań, Poland.
Professor M. Szymczak received M.Sc. degree in the area of Computer Science from the Technical University of Poznan, Ph.D. and post Ph.D. (habilitation) degree in the area of Business Administration, majoring in business logistics management, from PUEB. He currently serves as Vice-rector for Development and External Relations, PUEB.
His research focuses on business logistics, international logistics and supply chain management, information systems for logistics, and city logistics. He has published over 120 articles in professional journals. He is author and co-author or editor of 17 books. He has lectured and taught logistics at many universities and business schools in the region, within various types of studies: under-graduate, graduate, post-graduate, doctorate, and MBA. He is a member of the editorial board of scientific journals (e.g. “Business: Theory and Practice”, “Journal of Economics and Management”) and business magazines (e.g. “Eurologistics”), member of the scientific committee of numerous international conferences and the reviewer of presented papers, and a member of the “Innovative Product for Logistics and Transport” award committee. Since 2017 he is an expert of National Science Centre of Poland – a government agency, supervised by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, to support basic research in Poland. Professor M. Szymczak has over seventeen years’ experience as a consultant to many companies and local government on logistics matters. He took an active part in various business projects. He is recipient of twenty one PUEB Rector’s Awards.

Piotr Prus
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Piotr Prus, PhD is employed in the Laboratory of Economics and Agribusiness Advisory, Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology, UTP University of Science and Technology in Bydgoszcz (Poland). His research and teaching interests include sustainable development, sustainable development of rural areas and agriculture, education for sustainable development, rural advisory services, agricultural knowledge and innovation systems (AKIS), diffusion and adoption of innovations in rural areas, multifunctional development of rural areas, entrepreneurship, non-agricultural entrepreneurship in rural areas, horizontal and vertical integration in the food sector and agriculture, formation and operation of agricultural producer groups. He is involved in the creation and functioning of EPI Operational Groups, e.g. Ancient Grain, Gardena and Nova Grass.
Title of presentation at the plenary session: Integrating activities and creating innovation in the agribusiness sector – chosen case studies

Marcel Adenauer
Dr Marcel Adenäuer is a policy analyst at the OECD. He is a member of the team responsible for the annual OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook report, particularly focussing on cereal markets. Next to this he is interested in global land markets, long term developments of the agricultural sector as well as biofuel markets. Prior to his position at the OECD he has been senior researcher at the Institute for Food and Resource Economics of the University of Bonn. There he specialised on global agricultural sector modelling. He holds a Doctoral Degree from the University of Bonn. Mr Adenäuer is an expert in agricultural sector modelling being one of the developers of the CAPRI and Aglink-Cosimo models. In his doctoral thesis he analysed the impacts of the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy for sugar from 2006.
Title of presentation at the plenary session: The influence of China’s net-feed deficit on international grain prices