Autoclave (Nuve OT 40L, Turkey)
Laboratory water distillation and deionization system
Low temperature freezer (Thermo Scientific)
Homogenization instrument (MagNA Lyser, Roche, Switzerland)
Refrigated centrifuge (PeqLab, Germany)
Microplate centrifuge (PeqLab, Germany)
Gradient thermal cycler (MultiGene, Labnet, USA)
Real – time PCR system (Light Cycler 480, Roche, Switzerland)
Microvolume spectrophotometr (DS-11, DeNovix, USA)
Biochemical analyzer (Konelab20, Thermo Fisher Scientific)
Immunochemical analyzer (MiniVidas, bioMerieux, France)
Microplate reader (Infinite Pro 200, Tecan, Austria)
Microplate washer (HydroFlex, Tecan, Austria)
C200 Gel imaging workstation (Azure Biosystems, Italy)
Incubator (CCL-050B-8; Celculture, ESCO, Germany)
Western blotting transfer system (Trans-Blot Turbo Transfer System, BioRad, USA)
ChemiDoc XRS+ (BioRad, USA)
Vertical and horizontal electrophoresis equipment
Body composition analyzer of mice and rats (minispec LF, Brucker, Germany)
Body composition analyzer BOD POD (Cosmed, Italy)
Resting energy expenditure system (QUARK RMR, Cosmed, Italy)
smartphones for food intake assessment (LG)
Diet 5.0 software