Changes in Oxidative Stress, Inflammatory Markers, and Lipid Profile After a 6-Week High-Antioxidant-Capacity Dietary Intervention in CVD Patients Magdalena Czlapka-Matyasik, Lidia Wadolowska, Paweł Gut, Anna Gramza-Michałowska Abstrakt Background/Objectives: Increased dietary antioxidant capacity is a good means of lowering oxidative stress… Czytaj dalej
New publication
Changes in Oxidative Stress, Inflammatory Markers, and Lipid Profile After a 6-Week High-Antioxidant-Capacity Dietary Intervention in CVD Patients Magdalena Czlapka-Matyasik, Lidia Wadolowska, Paweł Gut, Anna Gramza-Michałowska Abstract Background/Objectives: Increased dietary antioxidant capacity is a good means of lowering oxidative stress… Czytaj dalej
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Betaine and aging: A narrative review of findings, possible mechanisms, research perspectives, and practical recommendations Emilia Zawieja, Agata Chmurzynska Abstrakt The rapid aging of the global population necessitates addressing age-related conditions through innovative strategies. Nutritional supplements have emerged as potential… Czytaj dalej
New publication
Betaine and aging: A narrative review of findings, possible mechanisms, research perspectives, and practical recommendations Emilia Zawieja, Agata Chmurzynska Abstract The rapid aging of the global population necessitates addressing age-related conditions through innovative strategies. Nutritional supplements have emerged as potential… Czytaj dalej
New NCN project
New NCN project in our Department – PhD student MSc Joanna Pieczyńska-Zając realises PRELUDIUM project: ‘Mikrobiota jelitowa i jej neuroaktywne metabolity w rozwoju zaburzeń nastroju u kobiet z PCOS. Wpływ czynników żywieniowych na występowanie tej zależności’.
Nowy projekt NCN
Nowe rozdanie grantów NCN. Finansowanie w ramach konkursu PRELUDIUM 23, otrzymała nasza doktorantka mgr Joanna Pieczyńska-Zając, która realizować będzie projekt pt.:”Mikrobiota jelitowa i jej neuroaktywne metabolity w rozwoju zaburzeń nastroju u kobiet z PCOS. Wpływ czynników żywieniowych na występowanie tej… Czytaj dalej
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Dietary choline intake in European and non-european populations: current status and future trends-a narrative review Ewelina Zuk, Grzegorz Nikrandt, Agata Chmurzynska Abstrakt Background: Choline is a nutrient necessary for the proper functioning of the body with a multidimensional impact on… Czytaj dalej
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The Effect of Caffeine Supplementation on Resistance and Jumping Exercise: The Interaction with CYP1A2 and ADORA2A Genotypes Emilia Zawieja 1, 2, Agata Chmurzynska 1, Jacek Anioła 1, Bogna Zawieja 3, Jason Cholewa 2 1 Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics,… Czytaj dalej
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Adding Modified Buckwheat Sprouts to an Atherogenic Diet — the Effect on Selected Nutritional Parameters in Rats Marta Molska, Julita Reguła i Michał Świeca Abstract The germinated seeds of many plants are a natural source of substances that can be… Czytaj dalej
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Energy-restricted Central-European diet stimulates liver microsomal function in obese postmenopausal women – a randomized nutritional trial with a comparison to energy-restricted Mediterranean diet M Szczepanik, I J Malesza, J Bajerska, A Chmurzyńska, A Muzsik, S Bermagambetova, E Mądry, J Walkowiak,… Czytaj dalej