Concepts and Definitions of Multifunctionality in Swiss Agricultural Policy and Research


Despite the fact that multifunctionality and sustainability are guiding principles of Swiss agricultural policy, the number of contributions from Swiss academics to the literature on multifunctionality is small. However, the quality of these contributions is quite high, as they generally address the comprehensiveness of the concept as well as the context in which agricul-ture is positioned. Moreover, the review of existing literature reveals a lack of analyses that inves-tigate the relationship between the concepts of multifunctionality and sustainability, or sustainable development.


Agricultural policy; Rural development; Rural areas

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Published : 2005-12-31

Hediger, W. (2005). Concepts and Definitions of Multifunctionality in Swiss Agricultural Policy and Research. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 4(359), 45-52. Retrieved from

Werner Hediger 
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zürich)  Switzerland

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