The Diversity of the Environment in Poland


The purpose of this paper is to present the Polish environment. The order system has been shown to provinces according to environmental degradation and measures to protect it. With it you can see the differences and span that divide the different province. For the analysis of the environment Hellwig method has been applied. The work consists of six chapters. The first four are theoretical knowledge about the Polish and the environment in the various provinces. In the fifth chapter research method used in the work is concluded, while the last chapter there is a presentation of the results. The study shows that the most polluted environment occurs in śląskie and mazowieckie areas. Actions to protect the environment are carried out in the following areas: śląskie, wielkopolskie, dolnośląskie, małopolskie, mazowieckie, opolskie and zachodniopomorskie. 


Environmental protection; Hellwig's method; Hellwig's synthetic measure

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Rocznik statystyczny Polski. 2009. Zakład Wydawnictw Statystycznych, Warszawa.

Ustawa z dnia 27 kwietni 2001 r. Prawo ochrony środowiska. 2001. Dz. U. Nr 62, poz. 627.

Published : 2011-12-31

Jaworska, M., & Rusin, M. (2011). The Diversity of the Environment in Poland. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 19(1), 37-46. Retrieved from

Monika Jaworska
Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie  Poland
Milena Rusin 
Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie  Poland

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