Product Unconformable in the Light of Legal Regulations and the ISO 9001:2000 Standards


The supervision of unconformable product is a key problem in the era of globalization. In Poland the supervision of safety product has been entrusted to the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection. The agency supporting its activities is the Trade Inspection. Growing popularity of the quality systems conformable with the ISO 9000 standard caused that they have been included in the EU regulations as criteria of assessment of conformability with requirements. The certificate of the quality management system is indispensable for companies for functioning in many market areas. One should remember that quality management system will help the company to supervise unconformable products only when it really functions and is not just on paper. Only then it will function efficiently.


Safety of products; Legal regulations; ISO 9001; Quality system certification; Supervision

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Published : 2009-12-31

Góra, J., & Smoluk-Sikorska, J. (2009). Product Unconformable in the Light of Legal Regulations and the ISO 9001:2000 Standards. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 11(1), 93-102. Retrieved from

Justyna Góra
Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland  Poland
Joanna Smoluk-Sikorska 
Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland  Poland

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