Knowledge of Cross-compliance Among Farmers from the Łódź Voivodeship


The article made an appraisal of acquaintances of requirements being included in the cross-compliance rules (a cross-compliance) amongst farmers of drivers of the household in the Łódź voivodeship. Examinations were conducted in 2012 on the group of 300 farmers and demonstrated, that level of the knowledge of Łódź farming producers in the scope of cross-compliance is incomplete and requires replenishment. Examinations were carried out in the framework of the large research project, which aim is to know the level of the knowledgeabout the scope cross-compliance amongst farmers from south-west and central Poland. So far articles have been printed on the knowledge ofcross-compliance amongst the Lower Silesia and Opole farming producers. 


Agriculture; Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); Environmental protection

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Published : 2012-12-31

Borkowska, M., & Kruszyński, M. (2012). Knowledge of Cross-compliance Among Farmers from the Łódź Voivodeship. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 25(3), 35-42. Retrieved from

Małgorzata Borkowska
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu  Poland
Michał Kruszyński 
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu  Poland

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