Intensification or Extensification of Polish Agriculture? - In Searching of Directions of Changes. A Case Study: The North-Western Region of Poland


This paper presents results of research referring to the evaluation of agriculture in relation to its tendency to intensifi cation or extensifi cation. The study was conducted at the commune level of the North-Western Region of Poland. During the investigation, the following groups of indicators were used: capital outlays, market-oriented production, agricultural land management, agrarian patterns, eco-natural conditions and socio-demographic conditions. As a result, four various types of farming have been distinguished.


Agricultural production; Intensification of production; Investments in agriculture

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Published : 2015-12-31

Markuszewska, I. (2015). Intensification or Extensification of Polish Agriculture? - In Searching of Directions of Changes. A Case Study: The North-Western Region of Poland. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 35(1), 67-73.

Iwona Markuszewska
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu  Poland

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