
Amidst rising food insecurity, Nigerians are confronted with the problem of an insufficient grid supply of electricity to support active development of the economy. The problem has lingered as fuel prices have surged following the Nigerian Government’s declaration of the cessation of fuel import subsidies. However, solar photovoltaics remain a competitive alternative given their growing popularity; thus, having more insight into farmers’ preferences for solar PV will allow suppliers and the government to develop products that can help stimulate business viability as well as energy policy. This study examined poultry farmers’ preferences for solar photovoltaics as a major source of energy in Oyo State. Primary data were obtained from 150 poultry farmers using multistage sampling. Results from the choice models show that as the capacity of solar systems increases, the likelihood of choosing an alternative over the status quo also increases. The brand variable was also significant, indicating the relevance of certain brands to farmers’ choices. The cost parameter was negative, which means there is an inverse relationship between price and the selection of an alternative. Also, farms with more birds (>1000), higher incomes and educated farmers were more likely to adopt solar PV than other current options. Further implications of the results are discussed.


food security; sustainable energy; poultry; willingness to pay; marketing mix; choice modelling

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Published : 2023-12-30

Badmus, S., & Alawode, O. (2023). POULTRY FARMERS’ PREFERENCES FOR SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAICS AS A MAJOR SOURCE OF ENERGY IN OYO STATE, NIGERIA. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 70(4), 379–390. https://doi.org/10.17306/J.JARD.2023.01721

Sheriff Kunmi Badmus  sbhadmus@gmail.com
University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria  Nigeria
Olanike Olubunmi Alawode 
University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria  Nigeria

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