Driving and Limiting Factors in the Farm Management by Young Farmers in the Context of Survey Research


The purpose of the study was to identify driving and limiting factors of farm management in a region of fragmented agriculture. The paper presents the results of the research conducted in the South-Eastern Poland (Macroregion of Małopolska and Pogórze). The survey was conducted in 2014 in the farms managed by young farmers, i.e. the benefi ciaries of the measure "Setting up of young farmers" from the RDP 2007-2013, with the use of a survey method with a questionnaire interview. The research was empirical, and its main goal was to present a case study of the farm management by young farmers in terms of specifi c management barriers. The results of the studies pointed to the fragmented agrarian structure as the one of the biggest barriers of the eff ective farm management. The young farmers pointed that fragmented agrarian structure signifi cantly impedes the purchase or lease of agricultural land, and the farm development in the same way. The survey pointed to the factors that contribute to the young farmers: the entrepreneurial attitude, activity and creativity, training, the management knowledge and better access to the Common Agricultural Policy instruments. 


Rural development; Employment in agricultural sector; Youth

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Published : 2016-12-31

Kiełbasa, B. (2016). Driving and Limiting Factors in the Farm Management by Young Farmers in the Context of Survey Research. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 39(1), 79-86. https://doi.org/10.17306/JARD.2016.9

Barbara Kiełbasa  bkielbasa@ar.krakow.pl
Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie  Poland

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