PhD, Postdoctoral researcher

Room: 229
Phone: +48 61 8487873
Consultations: Wednesdays 11.00-12.00


2015 habilitation in agricultural sciences, majoring in human nutrition, Poznań University of
Life Sciences
1997 Ph.D. in food and nutrition technology, majoring in human nutrition, Agricultural
University of Poznan

Research interests

  • dietary fiber,
  • tocopherols,
  • photodynamic therapy (PDT),
  • cancer,
  • food preferences,
  • phytomelatonin

Selected publications

Kiryluk J., Kawka A., Gasiorowski H., Chalcarz A., Aniola J.: Milling of barley to obtain β-glucan enriched. Nahrung 2000, 44(4): 238-241. 

Aniola J., Selman S.H., Lilge L., Keck R., Jankun J.: Spatial distribution of liposome encapsulated tin etiopurpurin dichloride (SnET2) in the canine prostate: Implications for computer simulation of photodynamic therapy. Int. J Molec. Med., 2003, 11: 287-291. 

 Jankun J., Selman S. H, Aniola J., Skrzypczak-Jankun E.: Nutraceutical inhibitors of urokinase: potential applications in prostate cancer prevention and treatment. Oncology reports, 2006, 16 (2): 341-6.

 Le Thanh Blicharz J. (30%), Anioła J. (20%), Kowalczewski P. (10%), Przygoński K. (10%), Zaborowska Z. (10%) Lewandowicz G. (20%),: Type IV resistant starch increases cecum short chain fatty acids level in rats. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 2014, 61 (1), 109-114. 

Anioła J.: Badania nad fizykochemicznymi i biologicznymi właściwościami mikronizowanych preparatów wysokobłonnikowych w aspekcie ich zastosowania w leczeniu oraz profilaktyce chorób dietozależnych. Rozpr. Nauk. 476, UP Poznań 2014.