The University Dietetic Clinic
- Nutrilab
- Tanita v-scan
- Bodymetrix
- Charder MBF6000
Molecular Metabolism Laboratory
- Autoclave (Nuve OT 40L, Turkey)
- Homogenization instrument (MagNA Lyser, Roche, Switzerland)
- Refrigated centrifuge (PeqLab, Germany)
- Microplate centrifuge (PeqLab, Germany)
- Gradient thermal cycler (MultiGene, Labnet, USA)
- Real – time PCR system (Light Cycler 480, Roche, Switzerland)
- Microvolume spectrophotometr (DS-11, DeNovix, USA)
- Biochemical analyzer (Konelab20, Thermo Fisher Scientific)
- Immunochemical analyzer (MiniVidas, bioMerieux, France)
- Microplate reader (Infinite Pro 200, Tecan, Austria)
- Microplate washer (HydroFlex, Tecan, Austria)
- C200 Gel imaging workstation (Azure Biosystems, Italy)
- Incubator (CCL-050B-8; Celculture, ESCO, Germany)
- Western blotting transfer system (Trans-Blot Turbo Transfer System, BioRad, USA)
- ChemiDoc XRS+ (BioRad, USA)
- Vertical and horizontal electrophoresis equipment
- Laboratory water distillation and deionization system DL-100 (Polwater, Poland)
- Body composition analyzer of mice and rats (minispec LF, Brucker, Germany)
- Body composition analyzer BOD POD (Cosmed, Italy)
- Resting energy expenditure system (QUARK RMR, Cosmed, Italy)
- Smartphones for food intake assessment (LG)
- Diet 5.0 software
Laboratory of Food Nutritional Analysis
- Calorimeter (Precyzja, Poland)
- Single beam spectrophotometer Spekol 11 (Car-Zeiss Jena)
- Dietary fiber analysis system Fibertec System E (Tecator, Denmark)
- Automated Kjeldahl analyzer Kjeltec-1026 (Tecator, Denmark)
- Automated Soxhlet analyzer Avanti 2055 (Foss-Tecator, Danemark)
- Liquid chromatography system HPLC LaChrom L-7000 (Merck-Hitachi)
- Homogenization system MPW-120 (Mechanika-Precyzja, Poland)
- Deionization system Demiwa 5 (Merazet, Poland)
Elemental Analyses Lab
- UV-VIS Spectrometer (Nanocolor UV/VIS, Macherey-Nagel MN, Germany)
- Atomic Absorption Spectophotometer AAS-3 with flame atomization (Carl-Zeiss Jena, Germany)
- Atomic Absorption Spectophotometer with graphite furnace AAS-5 EA (Jenoptic, Germany )
- Atomic Absorption Spectophotometer with flame and graphite furnace and hydride generation system (Hitachi ZA3000, Japan)
Chemical Lab
- MW ovens: Mars-5 (CEM, USA) and Berfhof Speedwave (Xpert, Germany)
- Three muffle furnaces (Nabertherm P330, Germany, SNOL, Poland, LUMEL, Poland)
- Drying chamber Zalmed SML 32/250 (Poland)
Exercise Test Laboratory
- Ergorespirometric system for metabolic and functional analysis Cosmed K5 (Cosmed, Italy)
- COSMED Ergoselect cyclergometer E-100K (Cosmed, Italy)
- Polar Team Pro system with Polar Team Pro application and data analysis system (Polar, Finland)
- ABL90 FLEX PLUS blood gas analyzer (Radiometer, Denmark)
- Cyclergometer Monark 894E (Monark, Sweden)
- Cyclergometers Kettler CX1 and Kettler X1 (Kettler, Germany)
- Heart rate monitors – Polar RS400 Sport Tester (Polar, Finland)
- Ergorespirometer Cosmed K4b2 (Cosmed, Italy)
- Body composition analyzer Bodystat 1500MDD (Bodystat, UK)
- Body composition analyzer BIA 1010 SRJL (Akern, Italy)
Nutrition Research Laboratory
- Densitometer dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) Lunar Prodigy Pro (GE Healthcare, Poland)
- Body composition analyser Pletysmograph BOD POD (Cosmed, Italy)
- Body composition analyser BIA Tanita MC-780 MA (Tanita, Japan)
- Hydrogen breath test device Gastrolizer+ (Bedfont, UK)
- Activity monitors Lifecorder PLUS (Kenz, Germany)
- Skinfold calipers Harpenden (Baty Intl., UK)