PhD, Research assistant


Room: 330
Phone: +48 61 8466051
Consultations: Wednesdays 11:30-12:30


2000 Ph.D in biology, University of Medical Sciences in Poznan

1990 psychology, Adam Mickiewicz Univrsity in Poznan

Research interests

  • research and determinants of health and quality of life in the life cycle,
  • psychological correlates of health promoting behaviors,
  • psychological health resources

Selected publications

Stelcer B. Personality development and elements of spiritual care at the end of life (in Polish). W: Porozmawiajmy o starości… Pod red.: Beaty Antoszewskiej, Urszuli Bartnikowskiej, Katarzyny Ćwirynkało, 2015 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie

Stelcer B. Successful aging – in search of the determinants of life satisfaction among elderly people (in Polish)., 2013 W: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Medycznego im. Karola Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu

Stelcer B. Albert Schweitzer's and Erich Fromm's vision of healthy man and society. (in Polish), (red.) Stelcer B., Strzelecki W., Cybulski M., Pawlak P.,2013 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Medycznego im. Karola Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu

Stelcer B. Determinants of satisfaction in life and wellbeing in late adult life (in Polish), W: Psychosomatyka, Problemy i kierunki badań. (red.), Basińska M.A., Ratajska A., 2010Wydawnictwo Tekst. Bydgoszcz. Str. 47-70

Stelcer, B. Health and old age in Asia – selected aspects (in Polish),2006 Polski Przegląd Nauk o Zdrowiu, 3 (8) , 187-190.