PhD, Research assistant


Room: 230
Phone: +48 61 8486180


2021  PhD in food and nutrition sciences, Poznan University of Life Sciences

2014  M.Sc. in biotechnology, majoring in molecular diagnostics from Poznań University of Life Sciences


Research interests

  • beige and brown adipose tissue
  • the influence of iron and folate transporters on bioavailability of these nutrients,
  • fetal programming,
  • genetic and nutritional determinants of one-carbon metabolism,
  • association studies

    Selected publications

Radziejewska A, Suliburska J, Kołodziejski P, Chmurzynska A. Simultaneous Supplementation With Iron and Folic Acid Can Affect Slc11a2 and Slc46a1 Transcription and Metabolite Concentrations in Rats. Br J Nutr. 2020 Feb 14;123(3):264-272.

Radziejewska A, Suliburska J, Kołodziejski P, Chmurzynska A, Role of Slc19a1 and Tfr2 in liver transport of iron and folate: A rat model of folate/iron deficiency followed by supplementation, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 2020,

Radziejewska A, Chmurzynska A. Folate and choline absorption and uptake: Their role in fetal development [published correction appears in Biochimie. 2019 May;160:129]. Biochimie. 2019;158:10‐19.

Radziejewska A, Muzsik A, Milagro FI, Martínez JA, Chmurzynska A. One-Carbon Metabolism and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: The Crosstalk between Nutrients, Microbiota, and Genetics. Lifestyle Genom. 2020;13(2):53‐63.

Chmurzynska A, Mlodzik MA, Radziejewska A, Szwengiel A, Malinowska AM, Nowacka-Woszuk J. Caloric restriction can affect one-carbon metabolism during pregnancy in the rat: A transgenerational model. Biochimie. 2018;152:181‐187.